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From contract initiation to contract renewal, reinventing your contract lifecycle management with the best of tech
Prepare your CLM Applications for the technology revolution with Opcito's CLM-Focused services

With the advancements in technology, business processes are evolving at a faster pace than ever before. Contracts are an integral part of these processes, and managing contracts at this pace while constantly striving to stay compliant with regulations can be complicated. In addition, contract management needs to be highly organized and achieve greater efficiency at every step. With managing contracts becoming more complex by the day, a robust contract management system is essential to keep up with rapid globalization and evolving business models. Efficient IT systems and environments are integral in ensuring that errors are eliminated, risks are reduced, and contracts are managed efficiently at every level.

Opcito’s expert, customized CLM services cater to organizations of all sorts, helping them achieve a robust, all-digital contract lifecycle management framework that explicitly suits their type of business.

What the new-age CLM-focused
services add to your CLM solutions
Centralization with added search functions for easily searchable contracts
Centralization with added search functions for easily searchable contracts
AI-based auto extraction to gather critical contract intelligence
AI-based auto extraction to gather critical contract intelligence
Real-time contract monitoring and contract compliance management
Real-time contract monitoring and contract compliance management
Real-time alerts when contractual commitments deviate
Real-time alerts when contractual commitments deviate
Automated tasks related to contract drafting, negotiation, execution, and renewal
Automated tasks related to contract drafting, negotiation, execution, and renewal
Continual updates recorded without duplication of effort
Continual updates recorded without duplication of effort
Streamline processes and faster collaboration with connected, structured, and on-demand data to achieve simplified, yet powerful Contract Lifecycle Management with Opcito
Embrace state-of-the-art Contract Lifecycle Management architecture and free your workforce from the hassles of manual contract handling with our CLM-focused services

Infrastructure upgrades

Migrating CLM application and all its dependencies from on-prem/cloud to cloud with added security, scalability, and automation to expedite workflows

Plugins and integrations

Adding new features to CLM applications with Word add-ins, Office 365 plugins, and integrations with contract assistance functionalities for Microsoft Outlook without leaving the inbox

Smart tech for CLM

Efficient integration of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning for rapid data processing and clause and risk assessment for contracts

Professional services 

Developing CLM-focused customized workflows along with product sustenance and enhancements with Opcito’s professional services 
Why choose Opcito  for Contract Lifecycle Management

Implementation expertise with extensive experience in risk-free, successful CLM implementation


Infrastructure modernization expertise for re-engineering legacy applications and storage systems by leveraging cloud and containers, coupled with the best DevOps practices


End-to-end contract management solution that is streamlined and automated at every step for accelerated contract drafting and lessened human error


Product engineering expertise in sustainable, new technology implementation for faster execution without surprise cost spikes


Heightened security measures, protocols, and infringement detection systems to keep breaches at bay with network monitoring, network management, Identity & Access Management, continuous monitoring, and Disaster Recovery solutions

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